Lose Weight And Have Fun With Stingball

There are plenty of people out there who want and need to lose weight. However, losing weight is a lot harder than it sounds. Many people detest going to the gym because it can be very intimidating and somewhat boring. One of the best ways to lose weight is by having fun doing it. Stingball is a new sport aimed at helping participants have fun at losing weight.

Losing Weight Can Be Fun

The higher goal of Stingball is to get participants up and moving. You’ll be playing in groups of either 5 or 8 and will be placed on a team. The object of the game is to try and sting players on the opposing team with a ball. You can either join with a random group of people or team up with your friends. Tournaments will typically be held at a local fitness club that provides enough room.

Playing With Family And Friends

Stingball provides a fun and exciting atmosphere for participants to enjoy. Most clubs often encourage families and friends to join in on scheduled sessions to Get fit and have fun. However, you can play with colleagues from your job or members from your church. If you don’t know anyone who’d like to join in with you, that’s not a problem. Random teams can be formed if space is available.

The Benefits Of Stingball

This is a fun new sport that provides a number of benefits. For starters, studies have shown that working out in a group can be good for you. When you work out in a gym alone you don’t have too much to motivate you. However, when you’re working in a group, or with a team, you feel motivated to work harder. You’ll be more engaged and this will help you during your workout.

You can also Burn up to 1000 calories an hour playing Stingball. Participants will be running, dodging, and jumping during the entire session. With so much action going on you won’t have time to sit down or fall behind. Because you’re constantly moving your heart rate is always up. The faster your heart rate the more calories you’re able to burn.

Get fit and lose the weight by having fun. Again, Stingball is a great way to make your workout exciting and interesting. You don’t have to worry about working out at the gym alone. During each session you’ll be allowed to play with a large group of people. As you play against opposing teams you’ll spend your time running and jumping around. You can lose hundreds of pounds in just a few sessions.